Duty free shopping at LeShuttle terminals

All passengers can now take advantage of duty-free products in our Folkestone and Calais terminals and save money on everything from scents to spirits. Before you can start shopping, you need an individual QR code.

If you made the booking you will already have a QR code on your booking confirmation and pre-travel emails, but this code is unique to you. If other passengers are travelling with you, they’ll need to register for their own individual QR code if they want to shop using their own duty-free allowances.

Register to purchase Duty Free

For more information on where to find or generate your own Duty Free QR code, check our FAQ.

Register to purchase Duty Free

After registering you will receive an email containing a QR code to scan when making your purchase.

Your LeShuttle booking reference number or the name of the coach/tour operator you are travelling with.

Thank you for registering to purchase Duty Free

You will receive a confirmation email shortly. This email will contain a QR code that you will need to have with you when you come to make your purchases.
